Research database
Here you will find all ongoing and completed LROI research projects. Use the search filters to narrow down your selection. Click on the project titles for more details.
Dual mobility cups in primary total hip arthroplasties: trend over time in use, patient characteristics, and mid-term revision in 3,038 cases in the Dutch Arthroplasty Register (2007-2016)
Swierstra, BAProject number: LROI2016-007a Starting year: 2016 Published -
Higher mid-term revision rates of posterior stabilized compared with cruciate retaining total knee arthroplasties: 133,841 cemented arthroplasties for osteoarthritis in the Netherlands in 2007-2016
Spekenbrink, AProject number: LROI-INTERNAL-2016-003 Starting year: 2016 Published -
Resurfacing heupen bij jonge patienten
Spekenbrink, AProject number: LROI-INTERNAL-2016-007 Starting year: 2016 Published -
Towards diagnosis specific life time risks for revision surgery
Gademan, MGJProject number: LROI2016-008 Starting year: 2016 Published -
Bewezen goed presterende heupprothesen - meer bewezen goede prothesen geplaatst na invoering classificatiesysteem
Denissen, GAWProject number: LROI-INTERNAL-2015-002 Starting year: 2015 Published -
Dutch advice not to use large head metal-on-metal hip arthroplasties justifiable – results from the Dutch Arthroplasty Register
van Steenbergen, LNProject number: LROI-INTERNAL-2015-005 Starting year: 2015 Published -
Effect of femoral head size and surgical approach on risk of revision for dislocation after total hip arthroplasty
Zijlstra, WPProject number: LROI2015-002 Starting year: 2015 Published -
Nationwide review of mixed and non-mized components from different manufacturers in total hip arthroplasty
Hosman, AProject number: LROI2015-001 Starting year: 2015 Published -
Patient-reported outcome measures in arthroplasty registries
Rolfson, OProject number: LROI-INT-2015-001 Starting year: 2015 Published -
Patients with staged bilateral total joint arthroplasty in registries - immortal time bias and methodological options
Fiocco, MProject number: LROI2015-003a Starting year: 2015 Published -
More than 95% completeness of reported procedures in the population-based Dutch Arthroplasty Register External validation of 311,890 procedures
van Steenbergen, LNProject number: LROI-INTERNAL-2015-001 Starting year: 2014 Published -
Added value of novel regression discontinuity methods for arthroplasty registries
van der Pas, SProject number: LROI2020-067 Approved -
Developing a machine learning algorithm to predict probability of aseptic loosening of the glenoid component after anatomic total shoulder arthroplasty.
Buijze, GAProject number: LROI2023-118 Approved -
Is Cemented Reverse Total Shoulder Arthroplasty Associated with Lower Revision Rates Compared to Cementless Reverse Total Shoulder Arthroplasty in Geriatric Patients with a Proximal Humerus Fracture? An analysis from the Dutch Arthroplasty Register
van den Bekerom, MPJProject number: LROI2023-119 Approved
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