Research database
Here you will find all ongoing and completed LROI research projects. Use the search filters to narrow down your selection. Click on the project titles for more details.
Surgical approaches for arthroplasty in patients with a femoral neck fracture and their short-term surgical complications. A combined Dutch national registries-based study.
de Witte, PBProject number: LROI2024-140 Approved -
The association between early proximal migration of acetabular cups and late revision in primary Total Hip Arthroplasty from the Dutch and Australian National Joint Registries
Callary, SProject number: LROI-INT-2023-010 Approved -
Two yeaR fOllow-uP after HemiarthroplastY (TROPHY) in a multicenter RCT and Natural Experiment compared to National registry.
Poolman, RWProject number: LROI2023-126 Approved
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