Project information

  • Project number: LROI2022-087
  • Principal investigator: Bloemheuvel, E, Schreurs, W
  • Status: Ongoing
  • Joint: Hip
  • Type of prosthesis: Total hip arthroplasty, Hip arthroplasty
  • Determinant: Constrained acetabular liners
  • Outcome: Descriptive, Revision
  • Starting year: 2022

Constrained acetabular liners in the Netherlands. Indications, use and survival in total hip arthroplasty

Approval date: March 2022
Starting date: July 18th 2022
Amendment date: March 9th 2023

E Bloemheuvel, BA Swierstra, LN van Steenbergen, BW Schreurs

Research proposal abstract

Dislocation is the most common complication after total hip arthroplasty (THA), the risk for dislocation after THA varies from 0.4%-8.7% for primary procedures. Several methods are available to correct instability of THA, like dual mobility cups and constrained acetabular liners (CAL). Revision surgery is recommended in cases of recurrent instability. Research application form LROI 1-1-2018 The aim of our study is to determine the use, patient, procedure and prosthesis characteristics of constrained acetabular liners in primary as well as revision total hip arthroplasties in the Netherlands. Secondly, what is the revision rate (especially for dislocation) for primary and re-revision rate for revision THAs with a constrained acetabular liner in the Netherlands?  

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