Project information

  • Project number: LROI2023-111b
  • Principal investigator: Huizinga, M
  • Status: Ongoing
  • Joint: Knee
  • Type of prosthesis: Total knee arthroplasty, Knee arthroplasty
  • Determinant: Osteotomy
  • Outcome: PROMs
  • Starting year: 2023

Conversion of UKA and HTO to TKA: analysis of survival, surgical complexity and clinical outcomes

Approval date: July 2023
Starting date: December 5th 2023
Amendment date: December 6th 2024

MR Huizinga, RW Brouwer, AJ de Vries, LN van Steenbergen 

Research proposal abstract 

Patients with medial osteoarthritis of the knee can be treated with correction osteotomy (HTO) or unicompartmental knee arthroplasty (UKA). The choice between these two surgical options depends on patients’ characteristics such as age, gender, level of activity, progression of osteoarthritis, alignment and surgeon preference. Survival rates of both surgical procedures differ in literature. Next procedure after failing HTO or UKA is total knee arthroplasty (TKA) which can have different clinical outcome, survival and surgical complexity. In the current literature only a few studies made some direct 
comparisons of TKA following HTO and UKA.  

The purpose of this study is to assess clinical outcomes, survival and surgical complexity (use of revision components) of TKA after HTO versus TKA after UKA within the Dutch national arthroplasty registry. Secondary, to compare the PROMS of TKA after HTO and to primary TKA within the Dutch national arthroplasty registry.

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