Project information

  • Project number: LROI2023-107
  • Principal investigator: Keuter, X
  • Status: Ongoing
  • Joint: Finger, Wrist
  • Type of prosthesis: Finger arthroplasty, Wrist arthroplasty
  • Determinant: Patient characteristics, Procedure characteristics
  • Outcome: Descriptive, Revision
  • Starting year: 2023

Outcome of 5-year registration of Carpal implants in the LROI

Approval date: March 2023
Starting date: April 13th 2023

XHA Keuter, J Hommes, R Schols, T Lauwers, E van Santbrink, B van den Hurk

Research proposal abstract

Problems relating to the carpal bones can lead to major complaints. Usually, patients present late and undergo salvage surgery like resection of the carpal bones or arthrodesis with significant functional loss. Carpal arthroplasty using implants can be a promising alternative in certain patients The most common carpal bone pathology is osteoarthritis in the carpometacarpal joint of the thumb (CMC-1). In the Netherlands, trapeziectomy is standard care when performing surgery. However, it has limitations 
regarding thumb length, function, and grip strength. Implants could prevent these limitations. In the Netherlands however, CMC-1 joint arthroplasty is uncommon. Other carpal arthroplasty surgeries include arthroplasty of the lunate, scaphoid and (partial) capitate combined with Proximal row carpectomy. Surprisingly, literature comparing salvage procedures versus arthroplasty is not abundant. Also, risk factors for revision and worse outcomes are yet to be assessed in Dutch and international literature. With the proposed study we aim to analyse data regarding carpal arthroplasties in patients operated in the Netherlands between 2017 and 2021. We will analyse associations between arthroplasty, risk factors for failure/revision, implant type, and surgeons’ specialty. And assess registration completeness by comparing data with open sources such as This would be the first Dutch study of this kind.

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