Project information

  • Project number: LROI2024-131
  • Principal investigator: van den Bekerom, MPJ
  • Status: Ongoing
  • Joint: Shoulder
  • Type of prosthesis: Reversed total shoulder arthroplasty, Shoulder arthroplasty
  • Determinant: Type of prosthesis, Revision, Patient characteristics, Procedure characteristics
  • Outcome: Re-revision
  • Starting year: 2024

Re-revision surgery in reverse total shoulder arthroplasty; a review from the Dutch National Registry

Approval date: December 2023
Starting date: July 18th 2024

MPJ van den Bekerom, A Naryapragi, D Boulidam, A Macken, G Buijze

Research proposal abstract 

Anatomical total shoulder arthroplasty (aTSA) is typically reserved for shoulder pathologies with an intact rotator cuff. With the exponential increase in total shoulder arthroplasty, also complications and demand for (re-)revision surgery increased. Indications for revision surgery include aseptic glenoid loosening, infection, periprosthetic fracture, instability and cuff failure.  A substantial socioeconomic- and health burden is observed in patients undergoing (re-) revision surgery. Revision surgery increases the risk of future complications and re-revisions. Hence, it is crucial to clarify numbers of re-revision surgery in total shoulder arthroplasty. However, studies presenting numbers of re-revision rates in aTSA are sparse. Furthermore, in the decision making for re-revision surgery, accurate analyses of implant survival after a first revision is important.  
This study aims to report the re-revision rates, report the reasons for re-revision, and analyse implant survival of a revised aTSA in the Netherlands, documented in the Dutch Arthroplasty Register.  Patient characteristics and indications for re-revision surgery will be reported. 

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